The following candidates have been shortlisted from the Idea Round for the mentorship ahead.

Team Name College / Institution Theme Team Size Team Members
Mighty Mavens Indian Institute of Technology Delhi [“FinTech (Financial Technology)”]          3 Kumari Ritika, Bhasha Tyagi, Ananyaa Agrawal
Team Vidhi Netaji Subhas University Of Technology [“FinTech (Financial Technology)”]          1 Vidhi Jain
Quokka IIT (BHU) Varanasi [“Internet of Things (IoT)”]          1 Anika Singh
Fourtify GL Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management, Greater Noida [“Healthcare”]         4 Jyoti Chaurasia, Divya Sharma, Geetika Chugh, Khushi Tyagi
Swasthya Prerna Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University [“Healthcare”]         4 Khushi Minda, Vidushi Verma, Anisha Dua, Sneha Sharma

Women Innovathon 2024

Inviting Female Innovators from Campuses!


NetApp celebrates the spirit of innovation and diversity among students through our Women Innovathon. We invite you to share your unique ideas with us which will impact the data driven world. It can be a simple idea towards data management, a game-changer in the cloud or anything that is close to your heart!

You have one month to register, team up and ideate. If your idea is selected, you will have a dedicated timeframe to register, team up and ideate! And you will have an opportunity to pitch your solutions to NetApp leaders.




Female students ONLY from India-based academic institutes with unique ideas can register individually or as a team of up to four.

Participants should be pursuing

  • B.E./ B. Tech – first, second and third year students
  • Dual Degree – first, second, third & fourth-year students
  • MCA – first and second year students
  • M.E./ M. Tech – first year students
  • Ph.D students




Click on each tab to view details

Financial technology, or FinTech, represents the vanguard of technological innovation in the financial services industry. It fundamentally disrupts established models by introducing streamlined and efficient solutions across the entire financial spectrum. This encompasses mobile banking and digital payments, as well as automated wealth management platforms and applications leveraging blockchain technology. In essence, FinTech is revolutionizing the way financial services are delivered, accessed, and managed.

The healthcare system can be characterized as a complex and interconnected network of qualified professionals, established institutions, and cutting-edge technologies. This dynamic field is continually undergoing advancements, with a focus on leveraging innovations such as telehealth, wearable health monitors, interconnected medical devices, and artificial intelligence to revolutionize healthcare delivery. These advancements empower patients to take a more active role in managing their health, facilitate proactive preventative measures, and enable data-driven approaches that ultimately improve health outcomes for both individuals and entire populations.

The Internet of Things (IoT) signifies a rapidly emerging network of physical devices. These devices are embedded with sensors, software, and internet connectivity, enabling them to seamlessly gather, exchange, and analyse data. This facilitates remote monitoring, automation, and the generation of real-time insights across a wide range of industries. From optimizing healthcare service delivery and streamlining manufacturing processes to augmenting logistics management, IoT is catalysing a fundamental shift towards a more interconnected and intelligent world.

Please ensure to incorporate the use of AT LEAST ONE of the following THREE components in your project:

Cloud technology refers to the use of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data, providing on-demand access to computing resources and services.

Incorporating cloud technology enables projects to leverage scalable and flexible computing resources, storage, and services, enhancing accessibility, reliability, and cost-efficiency. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines capable of simulating human-like behavior, such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making, by leveraging algorithms and data.

By integrating artificial intelligence, projects can leverage advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to automate processes, gain insights from data, and enable intelligent decision-making, leading to improved efficiency, accuracy, and innovation. 

Data management involves the organization, storage, retrieval, and manipulation of data throughout its lifecycle, ensuring its accuracy, availability, and security to support business operations and decision-making. 

Integrating robust data management practices ensures projects can effectively collect, store, organize, analyze, and secure data, enabling informed decision-making and maximizing the value of information assets.


  • This Innovathon is for FEMALE students only. Check eligibility above.
  • You have to first register for this Innovathon by clicking on the ‘APPLY’ button on the top. Registrations should be done before 30th May 2024.
  • Once you register, you can create a team and submit your idea.
  • You can apply solo too or have a team of upto 4 members.
  • Idea submissions can be done in PDF format only from 17th – 29th May 2024.
  • You can only team up (join or form teams) with the candidates who have registered for the Innovathon. Make sure all your team members are women and fall under the eligibility criteria.
  • You can invite your friends via the “Share with a friend” option at the bottom of this page or by simply sharing this page URL with them.
  • Submitting the idea description is mandatory. If you are able to build something like an MVP (prototype), you can submit the source codes and other fields as well.
  • Please note that submitting the prototype is optional for this round. So if you are able to make a prototype before this round ends, you can go ahead and submit it. However, submitting a prototype will not bear any added advantage.
  • The final date for the idea submission round is 29th May 2024. You need to form teams and give your submissions before this time.
  • For this Innovathon, you are expected to come up with unique and innovative ideas. Plagiarism will lead to disqualification.
  • In case you want to submit a prototype and you require a dataset, you can use an external open-source dataset.


1st Prize
INR 2 Lakhs

2nd Prize
INR 1.5 Lakhs

3rd Prize
INR 1 Lakh

Internship Interview Opportunity

Selected participants get a chance to interview with NetApp for Internship based on availability and interest


60 days of expert mentoring from NetApp


No. You do not have to pay anything to anyone to register yourself for Innovathon.

If you love to code and qualify the eligibility criteria, you are welcome to participate in the Innovathon.

Submit your idea as a PDF. If you are able to build something like an MVP (prototype), you can submit the source codes and other fields as well under the “Submit Project” option. Please note that submitting the prototype is optional for this round. So, if you are able to make a prototype before idea submission round ends, you can go ahead and submit it. However, submitting a prototype will not bear any added advantage.

The entire idea need not be fully developed however, your PPT/ PDF should be clear and descriptive about your idea so that it can be reviewed by the judges.

You have to develop the entire software application on your local system and submit it in tar/zip file format along with instructions to run the application and source code.

No, one does not need to online for the entire duration. You can develop the application on your local system based on the given themes and then submit it later.

There is no restriction to use any language, technology stack, or libraries.

If you want you can submit a small presentation or video that demos your submission, however it’s not mandatory, and only good to have.


28th May 2024

This webinar is an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session with experts from NetApp. You can ask anything on your mind about the Innovathon, mentorship, idea validation, judging criteria, internship  and just about anything. The webinar will be organised on 28th May 2024 so you can plan more effectively. The details of the webinar will be shared with registered applicants only.


2021 – 2022


2022 – 2023

Hear it from the winners of Netapp Women Innovathon 2022- 23

Women Innovathon 2022- 23 saw 5100 Female Applicants from 18 States and 132 Colleges

And 2024 is going to be BIGGER. Apply Today!

Why apply to Women Innovathon?

Apply to Women Innovathon 2024

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Founded in 1992 and headquartered in San Jose, California, NetApp specializes in helping its customers get the most out of their data with industry-leading cloud data services, storage systems, and software.

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We’re forward-thinking technology people with heart, which is why we hire talent in our own image — those with vision and passion.

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