24 June 2024, 01:30 PM GMT | 07:00 PM IST
Masterclass by
Dr. R.C. Agrawal
Deputy Director General (Education)
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
What you will learn:
– This masterclass is for UG/PG students and academicians of agriculture
– Agriculture and Agribusiness colleges can also understand about the framework that can make their agri education highly impactful
– Learn how higher education in agriculture can directly impact farmers
– Learn how ICAR, India’s apex body in agriculture education, is empowering higher education in agriculture
– Build entrepreneurial skills in agriculture and know how ICAR can help you
– This is a masterclass that no agri student and faculty member can afford to miss
FREE Masterclass, Open to All
University students, teachers, enthusiasts, etc
60 Mins Session, 30 Mins Q&A
Session is followed with an AMA with the speaker
Certificate of Participation
For all participants
About the Speaker

Dr. R. C. Agrawal is currently the Deputy Director General (Agriculture Education) and National Director, National Agricultural Higher Education Project, at the prestigious Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) India.
Born in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India on 1 June 1963. Educated at Government School affiliated to UP Board; B.Sc. BSA Degree College, Agra University, Mathura, 1983; M.Sc. Indian Agricultural Research Institute, 1985; Ph.D. IARI, 1989; Post Graduate Diploma, Indian Law Institute, 2007.
Scientist, 1989-94; Scientist (Sr. Scale), 1994-98; Senior Scientist, 1998-2006; Pr. Scientist, 2006-continue; Consultant, FAO, 2006-2009; National Co-ordinator, NAIP (World Bank funded)-Component-1, 2010-11; Registrar General, Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority, 2011-2019; Co-chair, Ad-hoc Technical Expert Group on Implementation of Farmers Rights, ITPGRFA of FAO; Led the Indian delegation to negotiate during 8th Governing Body Session, 2019.
Awards/Honours: Dr. B.R.Barwale Award, 2017; Life time achievement award by “The Society for Community Mobilization for Sustainable Development”, 2020; Certificate of Excellence for outstanding contributions in Agricultural Higher Education and Protection of Plant Varieties & Farmers Rights, by Hon’ble Governor of Rajasthan, 2020; Sir Syed Ahemed Khan Life time Achievement award by Aligarh Muslim University, 2021; Vice-President, Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources, 2015-2017 and 2017- to date; Core-team Member of the 1st Indian Agro-biodiversity Congress; Chairman of the Technical Committee, 9th Governing Body, ITPGRFA; President, Indian Society of Genetics, Biotechnology Research and Development- 2020-to date; Vice-President- Society of Community Mobilization for Sustainable Development, Vice-President, 2017-to date; National Convenor, Roadmap for Implementation of National Education Policy in Agricultural Universities
Fellow: Uttar Pradesh Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources; The Society for Community Mobilization for Sustainable Development; “Society for Horticultural Research and Development: for significant contribution in Agricultural Research and Education
Research Areas: Bodiversity Informatics; Information Management; Intellectual Property Rights; Farmers’ Rights; Agricultural Education
Sample Certificate of Participation
24 June 2024, 01:30 PM GMT | 07:00 PM IST
Masterclass by
Dr. R.C. Agrawal
Deputy Director General (Education)
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
What you will learn:
– This masterclass is for UG/PG students and academicians of agriculture
– Agriculture and Agribusiness colleges can also understand about the framework that can make their agri education highly impactful
– Learn how higher education in agriculture can directly impact farmers
– Learn how ICAR, India’s apex body in agriculture education, is empowering higher education in agriculture
– Build entrepreneurial skills in agriculture and know how ICAR can help you
– This is a masterclass that no agri student and faculty member can afford to miss
FREE Masterclass, Open to All
University students, teachers, enthusiasts, etc
60 Mins Session, 30 Mins Q&A
Session is followed with an AMA with the speaker
Certificate of Participation
For all participants
About the Speaker