29 Nov 2024, 09:00 AM GMT | 02:30 PM IST
Dr. Zitouni Ould-Dada
What you will learn:
– This masterclass is for UG/PG/PhD students and academicians of agriculture
– Learn from a world leader with 27 years’ international experience working with the United Nations and the governments of United Kingdom and France in high profile policy areas including climate change, food security, energy security, and sustainable development.
– Learn about the drivers of these global challenges and how they are threatening our global food security
– Gain insight into current international efforts and the solutions needed to transition towards more sustainable and resilient Agri Food systems to ensure food security for current and future generations
– Speaker will share real life case studies in agriculture
– This is a masterclass that no agri student and faculty member can afford to miss
FREE Masterclass, Open to All
University students, teachers, enthusiasts, etc
60 Mins Session, 30 Mins Q&A
Session is followed with an AMA with the speaker
Certificate of Participation
For all participants
About the Speaker

Dr Ould-Dada has 27 years’ international experience working with the United Nations and the governments of the United Kingdom and France in high profile policy areas including climate change, food security, energy security, and sustainable development. He participated in fourteen international climate change conferences (COPs) where he held various roles including chair of negotiations, lead negotiator on climate and technology for the UK and France, UN delegate, moderator, and speaker. His diplomatic leadership and achievements in climate negotiations contributed to the landmark 2015 Paris Climate Agreement.
In his latest role of Deputy Director at the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), he played a leading role in raising the importance of addressing the climate-food security crisis and driving forward the transformation of global agrifood systems. He was also a member of many UN Task Forces established by the UN Secretary General including for advancing climate action, food systems’ transformation, and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Before joining FAO in 2018, he was Head of Technology Unit at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for five years leading work on the global deployment of low carbon technologies to address climate change, energy security, and sustainable development. Before joining the UN in 2013, he held several senior positions in the UK Government including at Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC); Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA); Food Standards Agency (FSA); Environment Agency; and Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (MAFF). He also worked for the French Government on international climate change during the France Presidency of the European Union in 2008.
Dr Ould-Dada is internationally renowned and a trusted collaborative leader amongst the global climate change and agricultural development communities. He is a respected advocate and global voice for solutions to climate change, food security and sustainability with a proven track record of delivering successful collaborative partnerships and initiatives.
Sample Certificate of Participation
29 Nov 2024, 09:00 AM GMT | 02:30 PM IST
Masterclass by
What you will learn:
– This masterclass is for UG/PG/PhD students and academicians of agriculture
– Learn from a world leader with 27 years’ international experience working with the United Nations and the governments of United Kingdom and France in high profile policy areas including climate change, food security, energy security, and sustainable development.
– Learn about the drivers of these global challenges and how they are threatening our global food security
– Gain insight into current international efforts and the solutions needed to transition towards more sustainable and resilient Agri Food systems to ensure food security for current and future generations
– Speaker will share real life case studies in agriculture
– This is a masterclass that no agri student and faculty member can afford to miss
FREE Masterclass, Open to All
University students, teachers, enthusiasts, etc
60 Mins Session, 30 Mins Q&A
Session is followed with an AMA with the speaker
Certificate of Participation
For all participants
About the Speaker

Dr Ould-Dada has 27 years’ international experience working with the United Nations and the governments of the United Kingdom and France in high profile policy areas including climate change, food security, energy security, and sustainable development. He participated in fourteen international climate change conferences (COPs) where he held various roles including chair of negotiations, lead negotiator on climate and technology for the UK and France, UN delegate, moderator, and speaker. His diplomatic leadership and achievements in climate negotiations contributed to the landmark 2015 Paris Climate Agreement.
In his latest role of Deputy Director at the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), he played a leading role in raising the importance of addressing the climate-food security crisis and driving forward the transformation of global agrifood systems. He was also a member of many UN Task Forces established by the UN Secretary General including for advancing climate action, food systems’ transformation, and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Before joining FAO in 2018, he was Head of Technology Unit at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for five years leading work on the global deployment of low carbon technologies to address climate change, energy security, and sustainable development. Before joining the UN in 2013, he held several senior positions in the UK Government including at Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC); Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA); Food Standards Agency (FSA); Environment Agency; and Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (MAFF). He also worked for the French Government on international climate change during the France Presidency of the European Union in 2008.
Dr Ould-Dada is internationally renowned and a trusted collaborative leader amongst the global climate change and agricultural development communities. He is a respected advocate and global voice for solutions to climate change, food security and sustainability with a proven track record of delivering successful collaborative partnerships and initiatives.